Friendship is Magic

Climb the mountains


Remember the Alamo!!

 Hey y'all. To know me is to know that I am very proud of where I'm from. Texas is and always will be my home. Recently I went back to visit and the clarity I received there was astounding.

I live an unfortunate state of fear, way more often than I should be. I am always looking for the next perceived danger, and bracing myself for when it comes. When I can't find something to worry about that's even worse because then I worry about not being worried because the unexpected blows are the most devastating for me.

I am extremely afraid of failure. Not in like the sweet spot, where the fear of failing motivates me to work super hard and achieve. More like in the overwhelming, shuts-me-down, crippling, stay home in bed kind of way. I haven't felt very successful in my life and until now, I have tried to hide it the best I can.

The change was sparked when I read a quote about Texans. Robert T. Kiyosaki said, "Texans don't bury their failures. They get inspired by them. They take their failures and turn them into rallying cries. Failure inspires Texans to become winners. but that formula is not just the formula for Texans. it is the formula for all winners."

If you are not one of the many lucky ducks who took Texas History is seventh grade, you might not have known that Texas lost that battle of the Alamo. In 1836, despite being vastly outnumbered, the Texans held off the Mexican army for 13 days but by the end, were overtaken. For the rest of the revolution, which Texas ultimately won, the battle of the Alamo became a huge symbol of the rebellion.

This is my new goal: to allow my failures to become a symbol of my future goals. Wearing my heart on my sleeve can't be more embarassing than that mumu, right? I guess we'll find out!

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