Friendship is Magic

Climb the mountains

Here's to the guy who shamelessly tried to flirt with me at a school event the other night.

He came with three girls and sat near me. He introduced himself and began to ask the typical questions:

What's your name?  "Lexi"
Where are you from? "Dallas"
What are you studying? "Aerospace Engineering"

"Oh really" he said, and quickly changed the subject.

The conversation continued  and he attempted to invoke banter which somehow turned into a challenge. He drew with crayon a tic-tac-toe board on the paper tablecloth. I picked up a crayon and marked an "x" on the left hand corner of the board.

I beat him, as often the player that goes first does.

He snidely said to me, "Well I guess now I believe you are an engineer,"  rolled his eyes, and didn't talk to me for the rest of the event.

Alright homie. It's been real.




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