Friendship is Magic

Climb the mountains

It just so happens that I have a bone to pick with dating and I can not think of a better place to publically air my grievances.

First of all, is it just me or is compulsive truthing a serious problem in the dating world? We have all been on that date where the other person tells us way too much about an aspect of their life. Or like confesses something super personal.  I have been informed that this is also sometimes called "word vomiting." No matter what you call it, can we all just make a pact not to do it?! Please. I admit I used to be a compulsive truther, so I know it stems from a desire to be real and genuine. Just save it. Please. For me. You can be real without telling me about how you cheated on that test in high school and then felt super bad about it. Or that you just broke up with your girlfriend because all she wanted to do was make out with you. I do not under any circumstances want to know. Okay? Okay.

When I first go on a date with a guy, I know there are topics that I really shouldn't bring up right off the bat, i.e. my medical history, previous relationships..ect. If I was inquired about them I know I would never lie about these topics, but I probably shouldn't initiate conversations about them. For example when my allergies come up in conversation on a date they lead to the other person either (1) feeling sorry for me/viewing me this poor wounded animal and not a person or (2) them asking SUPER personal questions about "what happens" when I eat soy. I have had the conversation so many times I know what is going to happen, and I know that I am going to regret bringing it up yet for some odd reason I used to, a lot. For me, and for a lot of people, I think it stems from a desire to be accepted despite our flaws. Which truly is a great desire being poorly executed via word vomit. The person you are with signed up for a date, not a confessional.

Secondly, (this one might just be a me thing) why do all dates have to involve food!?! As someone with some limitations I dread going on dinner dates with guys. Call me old fashioned but my goal is to make it to at least the third date before divulging my entire medical history. I get that this rant is probably not very relatable but it is something I have major beef with. Not cool Robert Frost.

Lastly, why is it hard to be single? Like really. And why do we pretend like it's not?

That's all for now folks. If you read this and think, "lol lexi, no one cares" feel free to help a sista out and comment that so I know to keep my opinions to myself and start exclusively writing about all of the times/places I've fallen or something.

Let me know what you want to hear about. love you bunches (probably)  :)

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