Recently I have been hesitant to post anything that I've written. I haven't really had very much to update the world on. I'm still home, still hurt. I still know all of the words to Blackalious' "Alphabet Aerobics" and I love Coke Zero more than ever. Not much has changed over the past month. I have learned a lot though.
A few weeks ago in Institute, a question was posed to class. We were asked, why would the Lord allow the early Latter-Day Saints struggle and sacrifice so much to build a temple only to allow it to be destroyed a few years later. I didn't hear that question; instead, I heard, "Why would the Lord prepare a daughter of God to go on a mission only to send her home nine weeks in?" As my classmates answered the question before them, they answered mine as well.

This weekend was the 185th General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir provided some of the music for the conference. Yesterday the women rocked purple dresses, and the men sported purple neckties. Describing them as dapper is an understatement. Today, among the many inspired speakers, Jeffrey R. Holland said, "Today we celebrate the gift of victory over every fall we have ever experienced, every sorrow we have ever known, every discouragement we have ever had, every fear we have ever faced— to say nothing of our resurrection from death and forgiveness for our sins"
My thoughts have turned to some victories that have brought me here. Victory over physical health, over emotional struggles, fear, over those who cheered against me, discouragement... all because of Him, Jesus the Christ.
The tomb is empty, I know He lives. He loves. He teaches. He strengthens. He will continue to do so. Because He lives, I too strive to love, teach, and strengthen those around me.
I am so glad to be here. Home. In the greatest state of Texas. I am learning so much.
This is wonderful and I love you so much. Stay strong, sista.😉