Friendship is Magic

Climb the mountains


Let's Talk About Mountains: Pt 2

This summer is coming to an end and soon the mountain tops will be covered in snow. Lately I've spent some time in the mountains hiking because hiking is fun and it is a spectacular place to think. I realize that I have to get all of my introspection now in to last the winter. With the increase of time spent, there has also been and increase in lessons learned, about myself and about life.  Here is the second installment of Let's Talk About Mountains. You can read the first part here!

Having grown up in Texas, mountains fascinate me, they also kind of terrify me. (Okay, they completely terrify me.) They are so big and they block the sky and what if they fall on me. I know that's irrational but it feels super real.  
Don't even get me started on the phrase "move mountains" that's just freaky. But we all do it. Everyday. We move mountains for those we love, for ourselves, sometimes for complete strangers.



We've pretty much all heard the phrase that faith moves mountains. I think that we always assume that means faith in God moves mountains. I think faith in anything can move mountains. Which can be good or bad. Richard C. Edgley spoke of what mountains we can move when we have faith in God. He said, "I have never witnessed the removal of an actual mountain. But because of faith I have seen a mountain of doubt and despair removed and replaced with hope and optimism. Because of faith I have personally witnessed a mountain of sin replaced with repentance and forgiveness. And because of faith I have personally witnessed a mountain of pain replaced with peace, hope, and gratitude. Yes, I have seen mountains removed."

Think of the mountains parents move for their kids. Think of the mountains you've moved for the people you love.

Have you ever moved mountains for someone who didn't love you? We never talk about how sometimes we turn faith into a bad thing. We invest our faith in people who don't believe in, respect, or care about us. There comes a point where that stops being noble and the noble thing is to walk away. It's hard. But sometimes the mountains we have to move for ourselves is someone who would never move mountains for us. Letting go in that way takes faith. 

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