Friendship is Magic

Climb the mountains

Time for the story of when I was really mean to a complete stranger because I was hungry.

Get ready for a whole lot of justification.

A week and a half ago I was walking through the student center to meet my sister for lunch. It was like 2 ish, so I was FAMISHED. I turned the corner, a mere 30 feet away from my sister, when a group of five or six guys stopped me.

"Hey, can you help me with something?" I was asked.
"Sure, what's up?" I reluctantly responded.
"I was just wondering what you think of his mustache?" one guy said, pointing to another boy in the circle.

In that moment they were the only thing standing in between me and a pizza lunchable. Without thought or hesitation I said,

"Honestly, it's kind of creepy,"

and before anyone had even the chance to respond I turned around a walked to Kylee, who (of course) witnessed it all. As I walked away, one of the friends laughed, "well I haven't seen something go that bad, that quickly in a long time."

At this point, I was kind of mortified of what I had just said to another human. Still, I can not believe that it came out of my mouth. In my defense though, it was True Aggie Night. So though it was rude, I'm glad I did not stick around for the conversation that would have inevitably followed. Regardless, if you are the boy with the mustache and you are reading this, know that I am so sorry and that you've made it this far in life without my opinion so please don't let it affect your decisions now. I am deeply sorry for what I said when I was hungry.

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