Friendship is Magic

Climb the mountains


"Come What May and Love it"

I tend to eat my feelings. That being said, the past week and a half has been full of doctor's appointments, a million deep conversations with my closest friends, some tears, a broken MRI machine, some good old-fashioned stress, and well, more sweets than I would like to admit....

Naturally, this past Friday night it was decided that I need to chose to experience a little more lighthearted joy and 'fun.' Although I did not hold myself together for the entire evening, I had a spectacular drive with Kelly in Dallas. Roaming my favorite city in the world with her was fantastic.

This evening our intentions were the same, though the activity was very very different. Along with Erin, (another FABULOUS friend of mine) we broke plates. Instinctively, I began to research the origin of smashing plates beyond 'it's a Greek thing.' Though it was once traditional, I learned that it is more of a stereotype that we get from pop culture and isn't as popular in Greece as we may think. Regardless, when it does occur it is typically on special occasions like weddings. What was our special occasion? New beginnings. That's what a wedding is after all, right? So on my plates I wrote down the things in my life that I was ready to relinquish. Aspects of my life that I am ready to change.

I do not like loud noises so I was kind of freaking out when the time arrived to actually do the smashing. But I did it and it was magnificent. The three of us threw the ceramic plates to the concrete and laughed as we admired the mess we had created. We found some identifiable pieces and marveled at our individual and collective new beginnings. 

"Come what may and love it" is what Joseph B. Wirthlin's mother advised him and it is my advice to myself (and you).  I too believe, "the way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life." So whether you smash plates, go on long drives, journal, blog, or talk things out do what you need to do to let go of the things that weigh you down. Why?! Because there are so many things in life to laugh about and smile about and write poems about and dance about. I feel like those are the things that are compromised when we get caught up in  the nitty gritty. Seriously when was the last time you blasted a pop punk song from the 2000's and danced your little heart out? Never?! Well I did like twenty minutes ago and you're missing out.


  1. Love this post! You are so amazing!! Thank you for your example of strength and perseverance! !


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